Tooth abscess – what is it, why is it dangerous, how to treat a pus

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The infection causes an inflammatory process in the soft and hard tissues. If not treated adequately and under the influence of high temperatures (especially with hot drinkers or in the summer heat), a tooth abscess is likely. To avoid complications, it is important to see a doctor in time.

What is an abscess

Dental abscess – Acute inflammation in the tooth root area with subsequent suppuration accompanied by severe throbbing pain.

It is not only dangerous for the affected tooth, but also for the body as a whole. It is possible when the pus bursts, the infection enters the bloodstream and begins sepsis.

Symptoms of a tooth abscess

The inflammatory process in the tissues of the tooth and gum proceeds in stages, accompanied by different symptoms:

  • Discomfort, mild swelling, possible gingival bleeding during tooth brushing, sensitive soreness on pressure.
  • In later stages, swelling increases, there is a reaction to hot and cold food. Long-lasting pain and an unpleasant odor occur. In addition to local changes, the abscess is accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes in the neck, an increase in body temperature, general malaise.

A bitter aftertaste is palpable in the mouth, and the tooth body may change its color. It is important to remember: the symptoms of a gum abscess can manifest themselves differently – Everyone has a different threshold of pain sensitivity, perceives signals subjectively. Therefore, you should not wait for an acute condition, a prudent step – Visit a dental clinic at the first unexplained sensations.

What may be the complications

Even if the pain is dulled and symptoms are less severe, do not postpone going to the dentist. Such a situation can be a signal that the root is dying off and further spreading the infection to the organs of the head or neck.

Do not heat the area. This approach will bring short-term relief, but will accelerate fistula formation and stimulate the release of pus.

Possible serious complications: brain inflammation, pneumonia. Risk of sepsis, osteomyelitis, damage to the sinuses or brain membranes.

Causes of dental inflammation

The main causes that cause an abscess of the gum of the tooth, infection of the pulp:

  • Advanced tooth decay with lesions of the root apex. Inflammation develops against the background of periodontitis.
  • Untreated gingivitis and periodontitis (gum disease). Often develops as a post-traumatic complication: pathogenic microflora accumulates in the periodontal pockets.
  • Weakened immunity after diseases (flu, sore throat, others).
  • Iatrogenic factors – Bacteria got in after using non-sterile instruments during treatment, injections, improper tooth extraction.

The development of the inflammatory process may be preceded by damage to the oral mucosa, the formation of boils.

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Types and treatment of abscess

The nature of treatment depends on the cause of the gum inflammation, the size of the pus, its localization. The extraction of a unit is very rare today – Only in cases when it is too late to address the problem and the tooth can no longer be saved. Exception – Baby teeth, recent «Wise» Molars. After the surgery, the hole is cleaned and disinfected, and the healing process is monitored.

When choosing the method of intervention, the type of inflammation is taken into account. Distinguished:

  • Periodontal abscess. Develops in the pulp of the tooth, spreads to nearby areas. The goal of the dentist – Save the dental unit and restore the dental tissues. After cleaning, the canals are treated with modern antibacterial and antiseptic compositions to prevent reinfection. Only after that, a filling is made.
  • Periapical abscess. Pockets between the teeth and gums allow pathogenic microflora to multiply. A pus is formed, which is treated by opening, removing the contents. The pocket is cleaned and disinfected to prevent a recurrence.

Opening of the abscess with appropriate anesthesia – A small incision is made, pus is cleaned and the wound is rinsed with antiseptics. In case of severe suppuration, drainage of the mass is necessary, recovery therapy is required. Antibiotics, analgesics can be taken in parallel, under the doctor’s control, according to the doctor’s prescription. A comprehensive approach is important if the gum hurts and inflammation is detected.

Stages of treatment of a tooth abscess:

  • Make an appointment.
  • Diagnostics, X-ray examination to locate the nidus.
  • Formulation of a treatment plan, performance of procedures without pain under anesthesia.

Next, the doctor appoints the time of the visit for examination. And the patient will have healthy teeth and gums after healing. In general, the treatment of a gingival abscess consists of ensuring the outflow of purulent substance, eliminating the source of infection.

Abscess prevention

Tooth and gum inflammation – direct consequence of untimely treatment, delayed visit to the doctor. Therefore, the best way to prevent the disease – Pay attention to all daily hygiene procedures, professional cleaning at the dentist’s office and visit the dentist for preventive examinations once every six months.

Rational nutrition, avoiding bad habits, taking nutritional supplements of good quality are also important. Keep your smile beautiful and be healthy.